Almost all men are concerned with penis stretching. This is especially true for those whose nature has deprived the organ's impressive size. The complexity that develops during stronger sex is due to a small penis that leaves its mark not only in sex, but also in everyday life. Men like that, as a rule, are reserved, insecure, trying to avoid contact with the opposite sex.
To be fair, we note that among the representatives of the strong half of humanity, there are those, even with an average penis size (from 13 to 15 cm in an erect state), want to enlarge the penis by several centimeters both in length and in volume.
What can we say about people who possess micropenis - they just dreamed of finding a method to increase the size of their penis by at least 2-3 cm! Fortunately, modern medicine offers a number of solutions to this problem, both with and without surgery.
Let's look at ways to enlarge the penis in detail.
Vacuum pump method
Enlarging the penis using a special cylinder that enhances erections by pumping air from the device is considered the simplest and most affordable. The penis is placed in a vacuum structure and pressed into a pump, pumping air out. Thanks to that, pressure is created on the penis, increasing blood circulation in the penis and ensuring a stable erection.
However, according to experts, this method keeps the organ in an erect state for a short time, moreover, it causes bruises on the penis and can cause blood vessel rupture. Therefore, the use of a vacuum to enlarge the penis should only be done after consulting a specialist.
Extension method
An extensor is a special instrument that fixes the penis in an elongated form, thereby increasing its size. The design of such devices is different, but the nature of the mechanism is the same: the penis is fixed with a special clamp that provides tension to the flesh. According to the manufacturers, this method allows you to increase the length of the penis by 2-3 cm in six months.
Method of using drugs
I would like to immediately note that the effectiveness of this technique has not been confirmed by a single physician. Dietary supplements and pills for penis enlargement work on the principle of enhancing the erectile function of the organ, but do not contribute to the development of the penis. Of course, in an erect state, the penis will appear a little larger, but this effect can be achieved in other ways, without causing poisoning the body with dubious manufactured pills.
Surgical methods
Penis lengthening surgery is considered to be the only effective method to bring length and volume to male organs. The essence of surgical intervention is to cut the ligament that holds the specific penis in the pelvic region. The tension of the base of the penis after this operation weakens, which can increase the organ length by 2-4 cm. In addition, with the help of adipose tissue implants, you can increase the volume of the penis.
It should be noted that such a surgery is not performed for people with diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and other serious medical conditions.
At the end of our conversation I'd like to share with you one of the easiest and most accessible ways for every man to visually enlarge his penis. One only way to get rid of excess weight, and your adolescence will look longer. The fact is that the folds of fat around the penis reduce the actual size of the penis by several centimeters. Keep this in mind!
Combining all of the above, we can conclude that the only effective method to increase the length and volume of the penis is surgery. The remaining methods work on the principle of increasing potency and increasing erection capacity. Although to get rid of the complications and improve a man's sex life, this effect is sufficient.